VOLUME 3 , ISSUE 2 ( May-August, 2011 ) > List of Articles
Bhargav PRK, CH Venkata Pavan Kumar, T Krishna Murthy
Citation Information : PRK B, Venkata Pavan Kumar C, Krishna Murthy T. Carotid Encasement by a Benign Multinodular Goiter. World J Endoc Surg 2011; 3 (2):89-90.
DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10002-1064
Published Online: 01-04-2014
Copyright Statement: Copyright © 2011; The Author(s).
Great vessels in the neck and upper mediastinum are involved either by invasion or encasement in malignant thyroid disease. Rarely benign conditions, like Riedel's thyroiditis, may involve them due to extensive extracapsular fibrosis. We report a rare case of carotid artery engulfment due to benign goiters, which is a largely unknown entity.