World Journal of Endocrine Surgery

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VOLUME 4 , ISSUE 2 ( May-August, 2012 ) > List of Articles


Nonfunctional Retroperitoneal Paraganglioma: A Histopathological Surprise

PK Mishra, N Goel, RK Saran, N Gupta, Hirdaya H Nag, AK Agarwal

Citation Information : Mishra P, Goel N, Saran R, Gupta N, Nag HH, Agarwal A. Nonfunctional Retroperitoneal Paraganglioma: A Histopathological Surprise. World J Endoc Surg 2012; 4 (2):60-62.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10002-1096

Published Online: 01-12-2015

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2012; The Author(s).


How to cite this article

Goel N, Gupta N, Nag HH, Saran RK, Mishra PK, Agarwal AK. Nonfunctional Retroperitoneal Paraganglioma: A Histopathological Surprise. World J Endocr Surg 2012;4(2):60-62.

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